SESC seeks to provide e-waste management service to tackle the growing problem of e-waste in North Carolina.
Our goals are:
- To process and recycle e-waste adequately, securely, and safely
- To provide relevant and accurate information to the public regarding safe e-waste disposal and treatment
- Create awareness regarding the toxicity of e-waste and the hazards of improper e-waste disposal
- Offer secure Data destruction
SESC also partners with 501(c) organizations in our community and surrounding areas with the goal of giving back usable recycled and/or refurbished equipment. Through these donations, it is our hope that jobs will be created and those in need will be provided computing power.
Mission Statement
Be Caught Recycling!
To provide cost-effective, environmentally friendly e-waste management service and to gain competitive advantage by building and continually enhancing our portfolio of environmentally progressive services, something mother Earth will be proud of.
We are committed to:
Expert IT disposal
0% to landfill policy
4R Policy (Re-Use, Refurbish, Recycle, Respect)