North Carolina Electronics Management Program
Computer equipment:
Any desktop computer, notebook computer, monitor or video display unit for a computer system, and the keyboard, mice, other peripheral equipment, and a printing device such as a printer, a scanner, a combination print-scanner-fax machine, or other device designed to produce hard paper copies from a computer. Computer equipment does not include an automated typewriter, professional workstation, server, ICI device, ICI system, mobile telephone, portable handheld calculator, portable digital assistant (PDA), MP3 player, or other similar devices; an automobile; a television; a household appliance; a large piece of commercial or industrial equipment, such as commercial medical equipment, that contains a cathode ray tube, a cathode ray tube device, a flat panel display, or similar video display device that is contained within, and is not separate from, the larger piece of equipment, or other medical devices as that term is defined under the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
Any electronic device that contains a tuner that locks on to a selected carrier frequency and is capable of receiving and displaying television or video programming via broadcast, cable, or satellite, including, without limitation, any direct view or projection television with a viewable screen of nine inches or larger whose display technology is based on cathode ray tube (CRT), plasma, liquid crystal display (LCD), digital light processing (DLP), liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS), silicon crystal reflective display (SXRD), light-emitting diode (LED), or similar technology marketed and intended for use by a consumer primarily for personal purposes. The term does not include computer equipment.
Recycle By Mail with SESC. It is Easy!
With more and more states across the US banning E-waste disposal into landfills, SESC brings Secure Electronics Recycling to the comfort of your home or business. Use our Recycle By Mail Program to send your old computers and other electronics, in most cases at no cost to you.