Healthcare Industry
“HITECH Act, which expanded HIPAA privacy and security protections and mandates healthcare organizations to notify patients when their information is breached, requires hospitals and healthcare providers to safeguard patient data, particularly at the most vulnerable stage of an asset’s life—the end”.
“Data breaches cost healthcare organizations nearly $6 billion annually, according to the “Benchmark Study on Patient Privacy and Data Security.” The report also found each data breach costs $2 million per organization over a two-year period.” (Source Reference:
Keeping in mind the critical nature of healthcare data, old IT assets have to be properly managed to protect the proprietary nature of patient data, the organization’s reputation, and health care providers in general.
Many times, healthcare clinics are lured into selling their old, IT assets to recyclers by the pound. With not knowing what happens to those IT assets, where they are being disposed of exported to, they are risking not only their reputation but also their patients' health care and personal records.
SESC follows proper guidelines regarding healthcare e-waste and IT asset management. We keep “Healthcare Data Security” at the forefront in our endeavor to manage their end-of-life assets.
SESC’s Health Care IT Asset Management plan involves:
We help healthcare facilities manage their old computers according to HIPAA guidelines, which require proper DOD wipes on hard drives to erase patient records and personal information.
Keeping in mind, the gravity of liability issues in handling healthcare data for organizations, we take special steps to make sure our data destruction happens as per guidelines provided by law. We provide a cost-effective “on-site” data destruction service, which includes DOD wipes or hard drive shredding.
Part of our job is to “educate” healthcare institutions regarding their e-waste and problems that could arise from improper handling. For instance, it is not just PCs but devices like printers, copiers, etc. that have hard drives that have the capability to store data on them.
Last, but not least, we give a 100% guarantee that none of the recycled healthcare e-waste ends up in landfills and that it will be recycled into something useful.
Services for Healthcare IT Asset Management:
Hard drive wipes according to DOD specifications (on-site)
Removing asset tags
Chain of custody
On-site hard drive secure bins for hard drive and other e-waste storage
Certificate of Destruction
Our healthcare services can be customized to suit the needs of specific healthcare organizations. We take every step to make sure your security needs are met.